Wednesday 31 July 2013

Royal Afternoon

Well what a nice way to spend the afternoon in London, after the Bus ride no. 86 in and a movie " Internment " followed by some Ben & Jerry ice-cream we then have to get from Leister Square to the Appollo Victoria Theatre . Some times getting direction from locals is not such a good idea as they all want to catch a bus or the tube as it is so far from one theatre to the other... Not.... But as a tourist we want to walk, so getting from Leister Square to the Appollo Victoria Theatre behind Buck Palace according to the locals one would think that you needed to take a packed lunch!!
So with a trusty map that we picked up we head off with a few hours to kill before tonight showing of Wicked.
It was like walking on the monopoly board. From memory the dark purple of Whitehall, Northumberland Avenue, Yellow of The Strand, Piccadilly, and my fave the  dark green of Oxford, Bond and Regent St I used to love how the little red hotels looked on them, past Pall Mall what a walk and a blast from the monopoly past ...

We then made our way up the royal mile heading to the Buckingham Palace   with the flags waving all along the street towards the Palace was a amazing sire to see and thing to do.
As we get to the large roundabout out the front of the Palace with the gold statue sitting regally high and the whole area was swarming with people, they have closed it to traffic even though the royal baby is some weeks away from arriving. The press and the press tents are all there ready to catch the first glimpse of some new royal moment.

It's hard not to get involved with the whole party affect but as we will be long gone prior to the birth I can just tell that it is going to be a right royal party for Londoners...

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