Thursday 4 July 2013

Leaving Lake Garda

So our week with Andrea & Lara at Lake Garda has come to an end and we are off over to the west about another 100 km to Lake Como for a couple of days R & R.
Some of the other high lights of our week were that we got to walk around the small village of Torri with its several little restaurants some on timber platforms over the waters edge of the lake such a lovely place to sit and watch the world go by and watch the sun eventually set.  They were so cute all looked the same dark brown stained timber platforms with red umbrella and white wrought-ion  plater boxes 900 mm high filled with red geraniums.
The town have a medieval ruins of the Castle that once protected it and that was a interesting one to climb but the view directly over the lake and village  was worth it. Had loads of small interesting shops and wine bars also, a small boat harbour and every day you would see a bride there having photos.
The trees were all clipped and the fresh leaves just covering the winter branches. A old fashioned mary go round sat on a cobble stoned area overlooking the Lake also it all was just so dam cute. 

Went on the car and people ferries that chris cross the lake several times. One day to Limone at the top of Lake Garda about 1 & 1/2 hours up so it was nice to have the open spaces sitting on the top deck in the 23 deg sun and view all the little towns around the lake and nice not to have a car for a day. Also went over the lake to Maderno which had more of a beach feel and lot of amazing villas for the rich to have weekends away from Milano, we went past Villa Elizabeth and just had to take a picture of Sandy out side the big white gates.
Had lunch is a restaurant where you sat and waited for the owner to finish lunch before they served us, o well it is Italy. Dogs everywhere on people's laps at restaurant also. The owners of todays restaurant had one such dog.
It's a bit bigger than a rat and pissed on Italia!!!! So with back pac on the chair next to me and every time this thing came slightly close I would    
snarl at it and it would do it business else where. We were exhausted as we had been walking for hours so once we had found a restaurant we went moving.

Well all in all it's been a great week except for a late night doctors visit to our villa and a hospital visit... It can't alway be high notes but I will get to that one later when I know the outcome. !!!!! 

The doctor was fantastic and with the help of the reception staff, a lady on the phone to help with the translation, a Valium, I slept like a baby, but boy did I wake up with a headache, never taken a Valium before!!! Well I think it was a Valium as the doctor said it was similar. So with his bill paid I can't be leave it was so cheep, an hour of his time to get here and back + time to work out a solution and it was only 32 € so I figured I should give him a tip just incase I needed him again.
Through the interpretation the reception staff said that he had never been tipped before, well I had to tip in some restaurant that didn't deserve it and this man was my new best friend.....and really deserved it.
So as I was saying all in all it has been a great week so off the Lake Como for some R & R.

But Mum please please don't worry all will be OK 

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