Monday 1 July 2013

Heaven on Top a Hill, it's a Challenging Road to get There

So we have to drag ourselves away from the mesmerising lake views and our 
G & T and leave the creature comforts of the villa as we have a dinner date at 8.30 tonight to sample the food and the atmosphere of what we are to be cooking over this coming week, Hmmmm sounds interesting. 
The road to the restaurant above is only 5 km up the hill "  but do allow yourself a good 20 minuets " are our instructions " as the roads are a little bit narrow and bendy " Great that will be fun....

Yep they were right, hairpin turns all the way up the hill, oh and very very narrow in most places with stone walls hidden with a thin layer of ivory to Sandy's side, than on the next turn a cliff face plummeting to the ocean below. A scary place for a passenger to be especially with my driving.....So it was a slow trip first time up the hill as I was unsure how the roads played out and you just couldn't see the oncoming traffic until they were on you.
As for a place to pull over the let the 2 aggro young  Italian racing drivers behind finally get a chance to overtake well that was another matter, they were not impressed, apparently I drove only on their hill just to cheese them off!! Well that was their problem but when they were able to overtake and with the honking of their small horns I just sat there with my hand on my horn as I was still a but pissed about The Pot Plant so I let them have my horn back, and yep I know it didn't make me fell any better either!!! But it was loud......
A tad dejected and only 1/2 way up the hill I start off again hoping for no more traffic up or down, it was a nerve racking trip.
But I'm sure for the rally drivers in the family and our friends it would have been great hill to drive up ( on the left side but ) but for me a bit of a challenge.
We arrive at the top of the hill and to a little medieval village of ???????and the restaurant is still about 300 more meters up a even more narrow road.
I park in a blue no parking zone and we walk to see if we can find the restaurant, we find a parking zone that will allow parking so we move the car to a safe zone as the last thing I need today is a parking fine, and continue our walk up a very very steep hill that apparently we are able to drive on !!!

We get to the restaurant and it is on the very top of the hill with a car park but how they managed to get the cars to it I don't know.
We catch our breath and try not to look so frazzled prior to ringing the bell on the gate. We are greeted by the owner Lara in her late 40's looking stunning all dressed in along black coat with tails and a funky spiked hair cut. Its all very intriguing the restaurant looks more like a house terraced  down the hill side.
She is intrigued as the where our car was and said tomorrow the gate will be open so just drive up, I think she could tell before we told her that we had had a challenge to get here, she was just gorgeous and quickly got us a drink and took us to our table.
The restaurant was a single room on the top floor divided into your own private area and they only serve a max of 8 pre-booked guests a night. The restaurant is pristine with all white Louie 15th table and chairs sitting on  timber floors and with a soft sage green fabrics it is truly very chic and modern. The lighting is in beautiful coloured Monraro Glass either hanging over your table or as a standard lamp. Tonight is quiet and there is only one other couple in.
A stainless steel dumbwaiter is off to one side and the food is transported  via intercoms from Andrea in the kitchen on the middle floor. With Lara,s hands now in white gloves we are served a pre-set dinner, whim of the chef, it was an amazing 6 little course taste sensations and art on the plate. As we will be having several private cooking lessons over the next week what we are having for dinner tonight I will blog as the week goes. 
Looking out over the Lake Garda but with a even higher view than the villa. It's now 9 .30 and the sky has changed colour to the most amazing mauve and pink and the mountains take on a haze and it all just looks so magical. The lights in the villages below start to come on and the view stretches for km you feel like you are in a plane.
We finish dinner by 11.30 after chatting with Andrea and he assures me that I need to challenge the mountain and let it know who is boss and make it all the way to the car park for tomorrow 9am start. Yep easier said than done but I will give it a burl......
Any way check out this place

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