Tuesday 16 July 2013

Beethoven Festival

Jagged that one, it is the Beethoven Festival for the days that's we are in Torino, sure it's not my everyday listening radio channel.... But .... its is  in a huge ancient square in the middle of the city. We saw them setting up for yesterday concert, so tonight we arrived into the square and also jagged a great table at one of the back corner restaurants so we sat drinking a very nice bottle of Amarone and dining to a set italian menu that had my new favourite dish of veal and caper and olive oil dressing, not as good as the slow food Osteria but not bad either. The concert was free to the people from the local counsel so a big thank you for that, the atmosphere was magical and the music moving about 1000 people filled the seats in front of the stage and our view was great as huge screen and amplifiers let the restaurant people just sit back and enjoy

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