Sunday 21 July 2013

Karma Repaid

We arrive into Paris around 4pm and are just stepping off the train when a well dressed " porter " comes up and tell us that he can get us to the taxi stand quicker if we would like to follow him. Warning bells did start to ring but for some reason I had a good feeling and allowed him to load our 2 very heavy cases onto his trolly. Now boys and girls don't do as I did, cause it could be dangerous ... Do ya think. Sandy is quick to look at me and visually question my actions, sure but sometimes it feels OK and today was one of those days. Besides if I lifted those 2 cases again that rip would be so big that I could wear these jeans as a G string in the Gay Pariè parade !!! I did wonder why he didn't have a porters badge either and I did then question him about exactly who he worked for as we walked beside him with one hand on the trolly handle for some sort of insurance but really unless this guy was the hulk he wasn't going to run to fast with 60 kg of stuff that's for sure. Maybe he's got another sinister porter in the wings !!! Anyway stop the mind working overtime Pete we get to the lifts and they are out of order so he struggles with one of the case and the trolly down the stairs with Sandy kindly helping, well holding the handle of the case as I manage to carry the other case very close in front of them so he couldn't make a run for it. We get to the bottom of the stairs and both cases are put back onto his trolly. He then takes us around the crowds via a small and sneaky detour and delivers us to the front end of the taxi Que. and quickly helps put the cases into the back of the cab and we are off. No money was discussed for this service so I give him 5€ and he said actually Id like a 10'a so with an exchange of the other 5€ that I had in my pocket just incase that was the fee, he was happy and it was 10€ less than the porters in Venice so win win and I didn't have to struggle with the cases and wait in a very very long line for a taxi. Our cabbie tells us that they are gypsie people and not meant to do what they are doing but all I can say is he worked and worked hard and did something rather than standing on a corner begging so good on him and he deserved the 10€ . So there you go the rip jeans Karma repaid .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mick you didn't just wip out your big knife and let him know that you don't take any nonsense from anyone and Zac the cat helped me write this. Enjoy Paris and the cooking experience
