Saturday 13 July 2013

Swiss Food Markets In Sion

Now the Swiss know how to do food markets, we are taken from the hill side village of Drône at 900 m down into the valley of Sion at 500 m above sea level to the food markets. Hmmmm not more veggie markets I was at first thinking but the guys tell me these are way better than what we have been experiencing in Italy and they were right. The markets here as well as just the raw ingredient they were also artesian food stalls with loads of tasting so don't have any breakfast today we will eat at the markets. Good advice as the food variety to taste was outstanding, I think I may need to move to Switzerland for this once a week food feast. I may have been a little piggie BUT who can refuse a Swiss madden offer food goodies!!! Well not me that for sure.
We had  raclette, pâté à la viande pork pie and with beetroot chutney.
Several different Terrine one incasing a poultry, goose and duck liver pâté Chicken meat aspec and pistachios all cooked in a bread casing.  
Little warm meat tart to numerous to mention.
Really savoury tart 
Tart with shaved cheese same as Wàhe with custard in pastry and  nutmeg.  
Oh and I found the Olives marinated in anchovies that we were having in Italy, 
definitely going to try that on at home 
And to top it all off Patricia wanted us to try Tiny Wild Forrest Strawberry now that was a real treat as the flavour was so rich and sweet, this was she used to collect as a small girl some said we can't leave Switzerland until we had experienced it THANK YOU PATRICIA what a great food memory.

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