Wednesday 31 July 2013

Sleeping Over Russia

Business class is the " new cattle class " well at least some of the food on this BA flight was  ... Bit harsh... Hmmmm
Peter Moore your such a food snob !!!  No I'm not ... but my memories of 10 year ago when the little salt and pepper were in little containers, now it is in a paper tear apart just like you would get at CFC ... and where have the flowers 
gone from the in flight toilets ! and that beautiful little scented hand creams.
It just won't do Mr BA !!! 

Our seats over we're fantastic, really fantastic, remember the little pair in the middle isle and that folded down and into our own little double bed apartment. Well this time we have a window seat, well Sandy does and they are separate, well together, side by side but facing each other with the little wall to separate us so it will be two little single beds apartments for tonight, sad ...
Dinner arrives and I go for the Japanese platter and it was amazing i love Japanese food and I can taste a food memory that I had some 10 years ago when I was last in Japan but have not had since. They are in the pickles and were a Shiso leaves that have a pungent flavour, I love them and to date I have not been able to get or taste them in Aus.  

We get two chocolate bars ! each ! well mini mini ones, about 25 mm x 60 mm and " oh so Japanese " great 2 bars of chocolate with so few calories better not eat them to fast then ... 

As we got on the plane in London at 1 pm and are arriving into Japan at 7 am their time tomorrow ... so with someone,s day turning into someone's night on the plane we settle down to sleep after lunch / dinner as we fly over Russia and get into the new time zone and drift off into sleep.

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