Monday 8 July 2013

Would You Like " Water " With Dinner

We arrive for dinner and are seated in one of the 3 small dinning room just as opulent on the ground floor. 6 wait-men in suites all fussing over you and dinner was interesting loved some, some well like! not loved. 
I give you the menu later.
The water was a menue on it own ....
On the " List " there was 6 different waters with 5 lines of very descriptive wording to help with your choice. Or perhaps to confuse or amuse !!!
They were 2 from Piedmont in Italy and the others From Norway, France,Tuscany and Swiss alps. 
To choose the water well  it was almost a religious experience. 

So a description of one of the water we choose.

" Lauretane " no mineral content ( from Biella mountains in north Piedmont) The Lauretana water springs rise high on the slopes of the mountain called mombarone, at an altitude of 1050 meters above sea level. 
It is one of the purest waters sold in Italy which, thanks to its ionic composition, is classified as bicarbonate and rich in calcium. 
It's light flavour makes it an ideal accompaniment to fish, meat and vegetable dishes. R.F.14 mg 

So you get the gist........  and that was just the description of one of them.

So Sandy my sweet, as we are in the Piedmont area we " do you think we should go for the local drops, say one each ?"  " As we will be in Switzerland and France late next week maybe we can try their waters there! " Yes yes good call my pet lets go local " well we had to work out a way to choose the water some how!  as the description alone was not really going to help, just confuse !
The water was good, ....but hmmmmm a bit OTT ..... but fun and these people here really love and know water! So who are we to say...... but to be honest my palette is good but I couldn't pick a difference between the two, maybe I should have had one from another country.

They were served in 2 beautiful crystal glasses each so we could compare, one glass had a little lace coaster under it as did the bottle, so us non water expert  people would not get the two mixed up.....

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