Thursday 25 July 2013

Multicoloured Stairs All 95 Of Them

It was a 15 € cab ride from the Paris international train station to The Hotel Notre Dame. Friends Lyn & Kris gave us a book before we left home called The Man In Seat 61 about train travel in Europe, this also helped with our decision to go by train. It is so worth catching the train from Italy to Paris as the French airport is so far out of the city and with wait times at both airports it would not have been any quicker or cheeper either and truly apart from that " train food " it was a great and relaxing way to travel. We arrived at the busy front corner of the 6 story of a referb old hotel from the 1600's and diagonally across the road and river to the Notràdame Cathedral. The hotel is sitting above a very French side walk cafe with all their hundreds of pairs of little red and white wicker cane chairs at little tables about 500mm round and lined up like solders all with a view of Notre Dame. Wow Sand's what a great location, sometimes when you book accommodation on the net you are not quite sure what you are getting yourself into. We are warned on trip adviser from a pre customer that there are no lifts from the ground floor to the reception and with heavy bags it can be a problem. That's cool for us, we are here for the location and as it looked so funky we just had to stay here for our time in Paris. So within a flash I transport our two cases to reception and with the rip growing at every step and revealing more and more of my oh so cute butt cheeks !!! Whoo hoo... So now down to I pair of long pants but as its starting to get hot now so my last pair will be fine if we need to go out at nights to a restaurant other wise it will be shorts by day from now on anyway. Reception and the lounge are as funky as we saw on the net but some what smaller actually a lot smaller they must have used a wide, very wide angle lens. check it out www.hotelnotredame we are room 51 and I think it is the one that comes up on the net anyway. After checkin we are directed by our lady to take the oh so funky lifts to the top floor and as it was as big as the shower in Roma, now that will test who has been following my blog, well I choose Nhoooo. No amount of funkiness is going to get me into such a small space.. well without soap and water its so I take the stairs. They are multicoloured stairs all 95 of them and about 16 different plain colours, looks a bit like a carpet sample shop, but fun, the walls are all screen printed with Parisian scenes but with loads of colour and overlaid with contrasting patterns oh so super chic. I get to the top before Sandy so good call as it would be too long to be in that confined a space and I need to save some of my magic spay for the up and coming flights home. There I go again using that dirty word Home !!! I push open the door and well the same wide angle lens has been used on the room also but that fine we were warned that they were a bit small. But seriously what more do we need, a bed and a shower in a funky room and as we will be out most day cooking and exploring after all we are in the city of Paris so what would you expect. We both stand there for a moment with our mouths open and take in the room and the view from the windows not just 1 but 3. The room is on the corner so with all 3 window open it feels so much more open and the room is so funky and following the colour and the screen printed funky walls from down stairs. The only hint of age is the ancient very low white washed timber beamed ceiling and the very sloppy floor that slopes from side to side. Our view of Notràdame with no interruption is truly unbelievable... better than we ever expected and by night with its lights all on we just can't take our eyes of it even if we wanted to. It's just there huge and bold looking right in all our windows from just over the narrow river. This place is amazing, come on Pete this place deserves better words than just amazing !!! so how about ... Definitely Amazing hmmmm Supersonicly Awesome, Especially Spectacular and Properly Sensational. Now that's better... Get the feeling that I'm loving this place ... but what's not to love ... we are in Paris the city of LOOOVE.

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