Monday 8 July 2013

Dinner Menu at Villa Crespi

Oyster with cucumber and melon sauce sitting on a chilli tomato salsa

Tuna lightly seared with caper butter veal jus

Grilled Red mullet, potato, turnip tops, on a smoked cheese broth

Creamy  endive salad soup , buffalo mozzarella  , raw scampi,  crunchy rye bread and anchovies and micro green 

Genova lamb tartare, creamy parmesan foam

Beans Tagliatelle, garlic oil, and bottarga of tuna

Salpicon of fish, warm cream courgette soup covered  in seawater foam

Supreme of pigeon, foie gras with cocoa beans, Swiss chards and a rich pan juice jeu sauce

Pre dessert deconstructed mohito with basil leaf. 

And to cap of a interesting arty meal was Strawberries and basil in whipped cream encased into a  golden globe of the finest chocolate. So it looked like a large gold egg that glowed like it was a glass Christmas tree bauble just amazing and when you cracked it the chocolate and the gold stayed crisp and it crackled in your mouth with the softness of the cream as a contrast a bit of a spin out !!!

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