Thursday 25 July 2013

Got To Love A French Champaign or 3.

So its our last dinner in Paris and our last chance for some traditional French food, so it off to a little 20 seater up the road where we were the only tourist. It is off and away from the typical tourist haunts, hidden away so the locals could only find it or a tourist wandering the back alleys on the hunt for real French food.
Cute, quaint and rustic and the food was yumo 
I had Foie Gras again and tonight's was home made on the site and was beautiful and not as creamery as yesterday and was served with French baguette, but of course what else !!
But for the mains and what Sandy had as her starter ... well I think we had a little too many champaign and were enjoying the french atmosphere as I can't remember what we had and I didn't take the camera. Ops
Mains Hmmm have to think on that one 
And as I said they served French Champaign by the glass cheaper than we can drink whites in Aussie, so got to be happy with that, and we did !! Not that we are big champaign drinkers but we are in Paris and it was soooo easy to drink on a warm evening so lets drink a local drop I say ... or two or three or, actually it was so good we lost count, woops, but as it is only a short stager home so all was good ...  

If we've got to leave Paris lets go out with the popping of corks and we did ...

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