Monday 1 July 2013

Please Not Up The Mountain Again

It was a interesting trip down the mountain last night, still not sure if the mountain got tamed !!!!  Mountain 2 - Pete still 0
But I do have a week to get some skills so here's hoping.
So with my breath held for the first couple of hundred of meters past the narrow 1 car at a time bit, thank goodness for all the fisheye mirrors that are install in Italy and with my hand on the horn to let them coming down know to stop as I was coming through .... So first tunnel bit done now the hill, then like a flash I'm overtaken by a very wide 4 wheel drive Porsche Ok Pete this is your chance follow that car so I did, I could see all the other cars moving aside for him so I stuck to his tail like glue it was fantastic but would I have done that if he was not in front properly not, no definitely not.
I was driving like a crazed Italian racing driver with my training wheels on. We reach the top of the first hill in record time and the Porsche peels off the the left.  I need to go to the right and up the last 300 meters, well here goes.
Andrea did say it was mostly locals that do this last 300 meters so chances of meeting some one is slim, and than goodness he was right I drop it into low gear and weave the last 100 meter on the tightest and steepest turns i jave experienced and finally flatten out into his cark park.
I come to a screaming halt.... the adrenaline  was still running hot....we made it... I turn the car off ...... just sit for a minute to breath once again.

Mountain 2 - Pete NOW 1 !!!!!

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