Saturday 13 July 2013

Converted 350 Year Old Stables

So today we head to Patricia and Graham's place, we give the coordinates to Gloria and her in fine multi lingual form translates and well she gets us within 5 km of the supposed landing site, not really her fault this time the Swiss words are a bit challenging and perhaps some other humans error was made !!!!
So with a call for HELP to the guys they come and find us and we follow them to a garage where the car and Gloria will stay for the next few days.
Now thats a relief the hills have now turned into mountains and access is some what more challenging than in Italy with the Sherman tank  in the Swiss village mountain sides.
We are driven 2km from the garage to a parking bay then it's a walk the last 300 m up a very very very very get the drift ... hill... to the converted 350 year old stables. OMG it is just so Swiss Village Mountain Side Stable like.... I'm back in heaven again, my architectural  loves vary so so much.
From ultra modern to old world english, now to moorish opulence after " that villa " and to my big love, rustic timber barn conversions.....and it is here all laid out in front of me over 4 narrow levels. They have been very respectful to the old stable and the middle floor which we enter on is the lounge dining with a small kitchen and bathroom. The stair narrow and timber and just a tad scary take you to the loft on the top floor which is the guys sleeping area with are large glass infill into the apex of the roof and out into the roof space is a small deck with the most spectacular  view of the swiss valley and Sion town below. The snow caped mountain all round so close you feel that you could just reach out and touch them. It was a unusual feeling as with all this snow around the wind is a warm breeze and we sit and enjoy rye toast with caviar and bubbles that the guys have just bought back from the Ukraine on a business trip. It turn out that they are shareholders in a small family run coal mine in the remote regain of Ukraine.
So that would explain the house in two country, so we sit and enjoy  the northern hemisphere summer salsas 21 June and by 11pm with the sky still in twilight we make our way down to the bottom floor when we have a sofa bed all made up ready.
What a cute space, it would have been better if the builder 350 years ago new that I may be coming to stay and made the ceiling a tad higher!!! So with one very low door to the outside that the top half opened as ventilation I was OK, and ever so grateful for such a unique experience thus far.

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