Saturday 20 July 2013

Its Our Last Foodie Day In Italy.

As we had to pull the pin on the girls on the farm we figured we needed our last day in Italy to be as food focused as possible after all  this was the big reason for our italian trip.
In the morning we visited Eatly, yep not spelt wrong, drop the I and add a E, it was a great food concept store experience in the heart of Torino and we read that it had the best range of cooking gadgets and italian ingredient that we just had to make a special trip there.
It was  where we found some Black Salt not the one from Cypress that we are still looking for but a good Italian one, so many other things but so little space now left in the suitcases looks like a bit of online shopping when we get home or a trip to Melbourne the other Italian capital of the world.
This afternoon we made our way to the huge gardens by the banks of the Po River at the bottom end of the city. This is where we found a multi-cultural food expo. The expo was held in a old display village set up in the 1880's as a area by one of the kings to have a display village to demonstrate building practise in times gone past. Todays expo focussed on many different foods which was unusually as Italian's only think that Italian food  is the best! so why would they want to try other cultures food. Well it was a bit of a breakthrough by the sponsors as the place was packed with Italians.  What more could I have wanted on my last day in Italy, gardens, old buildings, cooking demonstrations and eating food, all in all " Heaven "

So our last day in Italy is no completed, we achieved over the past couple of months all that was on our Italian Cooking Tour Bucket List and so so much more....

We have seen and been to some amazing cooking schools and classes, structured and ad lib, eaten and cooked in some of the most traditional Osteria and Trattoria, was wined and dined in the 3rd best restaurant in the world, stayed,  cooked and ate with fantastic and hospitable  local families at their homes, tasted and made a variety of Italian food over the past 80 days and the memories will live on of a truly beautiful and embracing culture.

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