Saturday 27 July 2013

Goodby To The City Of LOOOVE...

Well today we left Paris on the Euro star train bound for London. This morning I was up at 4.30 am, I wanted to see Paris by the last of the night lights and for the very last time. 
As I wandered around the streets some nights clubs were kicking out the last of the customers and it was amazing still the buzz to be around at that time of the morning.
It was still alive and rocking with the last of last nights party goers and in contrast to a young group of gospel singers strumming away on their guitars on the huge set of timber stairs set up in front of Notràdame.
Along further a group of young bohemian gypsies were all singing and chanting a to the dawn of a new day and the sound was floating over the river.
As I walk the last of the streets lights started to turn off and the street cleaners are working to clean away the mess from last night thousands of party goers. This seams to all announce the end of another party night in Paris ... The city once again is getting ready all over again to come back to life in the daytime for another day packed with tourist.

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