Sunday 28 July 2013

Our Own Little City Pad

We were going to be staying with Gail and James but the builder had other plans, well don't think he had planed the renovations too well !! Think he needed a bomb under him to make him work !! and as the house was not even party-able let alone liveable Gail organised for us to flat sit a friends place while she was away. Yep no problem we can do that, we meet with Teri so she could show us the in's and out's of her flat and to checkout if we were not some sort of crazy party going Aussie that would trash her place, well we must have fooled her and passed the test! 
But hmmmm white carpet actual lots of white looks like not a place to open that bottle of Italian red that I have been saving. Thats cool we will be out most of the time and as long as we have a shower and a bed we are set. Me feeling a bit uncomfortable with house sitting I was able to do some handy man work around the flat and we planted up her window boxes with new plants and left her some wine, some goodies as a thank you as it was great to be able to have a place to stay and not having to be in a hotel.
I must admit that a TV that spoke English may have been nice as Italian TV for the past 3 months has restricted my viewing time to 0 ... but the West-end will do just fine.

Her place was so cute and just off the High Street SW11, up the hill from Gail and James and the Clapton Junction train station so a short 10 mins into the city. Great location and so easy to get to the city that we went in every-other night to the West- end. 
Got to go to Wicked a great musical,  Internship great a movie and funny, Rock of Ages 70's rock musical and with a fantastic cast of strong singers and was a bit of comedy also.
Passion Play now that was just a tragic plot ... great actors, the set was amazing and simple but as for a fun night out ... NO ... and if you had suisidal tendencies and was carrying a dagger you way well have driven it into your heart, bit strong Pete ... Do ya think ... Sure I love live theatre  BUT this was too sad for me and it was only a play.
( than again I did sob after the 1980's movie Big with Tom Hanks !!! )

But on the last night we got into a play at the Harold Pinter Theatre and the only reason I mention the theatre is, well as beautiful as it was if you are in the top stalls as we were and it was so hot in London due to the heat wave, the place was not air conditioned let along ventilated and well the seats in the top were so small for my legs that we moved higher to watch the show. But the show was fabulous and a great way to finish our London leg of the trip

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