Wednesday 31 July 2013

Carful Where You Park The Car

Woken to the sounds of a car alarm going off big time and as I get to the window to see want is happing just in time to see a interesting sight, a huge car carrier truck is blocking the small one way street below our London pad and I think it is not going to make someone's day that for sure.

The parking is so limited that unless you really need a car why bother and today is an example of this and it has happen on several time during our stay here. Cars are hoisted onto the back of these big truck and drive away and impounded. Talking to a cabbie he tells us that they don't clamp the wheel anymore as parking is so limited that the cars owner may not claim the car for several days so that the space is then unavailable for other people that have the proper paid up permits to park there, so just take them away.
The fines are something like $500  + $30 a day that it is in the impound ouch.
Take a bus or train and sell the car ...

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