Friday 3 November 2017

Chair Shopping !!

Fruit and Veg Shopping in Mola di Bari.
This little town is where we did our morning shop before the cooking class.
Its so cute, as you drive the streets seeing what the locals have for sale.
They put out on chairs in front of their street doors what they have in "todays shop" well in the living room, dining room or what ever room fronts the street.
Some of the locals have small allotments in the country and go and tend them during the day. The town is a traditional old town so no land to grow anything but a great place to sell to the other locals and well to us!!.  

The little streets are a great place to wander and well like me get a little bit lost.
It all have a cute sameness!


Its just like stepping into someone personal life, this couple has just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Cool looking Italians of 1967.
You can't get much more Italian than a wedding picture with the man standing over his wife and smoking.

When you stand at the front door your ask for Permissio

True Italians and their Cash Economy!!!

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