Thursday 9 November 2017

Saffron from Navelli

Saffron from Navelli in Abruzzo ... had to go to the source once we tried this fabulous ingredient.
Navelli a small town in the mountains its sooooo cute.

The fields around the town are now planted with winter crops as the crocus flower finished a few weeks ago, shame it would have been so pretty to see the fields in flower.

Looking out to snow capped mountains in central Italy

Another little dog was our tour leader and not one sole we found, its like a ghost town.

The scenery was amazing all just so ancient.

A place to burn some serious film!!! remember the good old day when you would have to bring home rolls of  film hoping you got a good shot or two!

Every corner a great picture opportunity.

Then we see this little sign in a doorway.

  The guy also sells organic chick peas and other grains

So 19 euro's later we have some saffron to take home, hoping customs will let it in.
Information in English, that's always helpful at customs. The saffron here is much smaller than that which we got in Turkey last trip.
So it will be interesting to cook with the two different ones.


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