Thursday 23 November 2017

Pork filet wrapped in Lardo

These last few days have been very very simple country food and well lets just say ... "not rocket science" so I could take photos and also taking notes, wow Pete multi tasking ...  you never quite know what sort of cooking classes you are actually getting yourselves into. Sooooo very Italian, so you have to take the good classes and experience with the simple and money spent on a class doesn't always mean it with be value for money.
So we have learned to take the money equation out of the classes and just go with the flow and see where it takes you.
So keep your eyes open and it is amazing what little tips you pick up and can take away with you to make it all worth while.

Served here with creamy potato and when you have such a fabulous cut of meat and it is cooked with love it is truly simple food that is packed with flavour a winner always.
Italian season their meats with a salt and rosemary mixture that sits on the bench and the rosemary and or oregano infuse the salt.
 When you see it on the menus it comes under the word Grillo.
Beware as grillo just means a dish of grilled meat.
Italians are not big on the sauces with the final course.