Monday 20 November 2017

Fresh Olive Oil

Its the olive oil season in Italy and we have been following it for the last couple of months as we move through the different food regions and even the climatic changes.
He in the hills above Rome even though it is getting colder the harvest is still in full swing.
Last night like secret men's business we whet in the dark and cold of the night at 10pm to the oil press to get Georgeo,s from Casa Fabbrina first oil for this season.
The olives need to be in the presses no later than 6 house after picking, its so green and so fresh that you just need to come home and open a bottle and try, can't get much fresher than that.  

So this is Georgeo from Casa Fabbrina cooking school, one very happy chappie.

Hot off the press ... yum, Adele and Eric we still love your Australian on the most, lets just say this is the oil of this our Italian moment.

Its a very noisy operation

 Italian Liquid Gold well .... Green

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