Tuesday 14 November 2017


 So what do truffle's need a lot of in summer? ... Well its rain and this year has been the hottest and driest in recent Italian history up until ....................... well today!

 So what can we do ... its only rain, freezing cold rain, almost snow ... so lets rug up and go out anyway and see what we can find ... said in true Italian sprit of Doriano the adventurer and me the Aussie who now has no winter clothes!!!!!!!
We left all our winter and wet weather gear here in Piobbico while we were traveling the hot regions over the past 2 months. Someone broke into Doriano's cantina and stole a heap of his stuff and our winter suitcase...
Hmmmm so many words to describe them .... but well maybe they were cold and needed them more than us! this is the only way to look at it now as we can't change what has happened.
Someone really doesn't want me to go truffle-ing this year!!!
So with borrowed jacket, wet weather gear and boots we head for the mountains in the old jeep.
As it was soooooo wet I couldn't take a camera so if you look at my truffle post from 2014 and well dito dito the pictures add a slightly older Pete and Doriano add buckets of rain, fun mud and slippy slopes you can imagine the rest. The fresh smell of rain with rotting leaf litter filled the Italian mountain air, it was truly an amazing day and we managed to fine 1 truffle so not a total waste of a day for Doriano either.
The area we went too was the same location as last time and the terrain now more overgrown from 3 more years more of undergrowth.
I don't remember that many prickly plants from last time, blackberry, hawthorn and many little pine needle shrub maybe I was on such a high with the amount of truffle we got then.
But sharing a day in the wilderness with Doriano is again etched into my memory.