Wednesday 29 November 2017

So here we are in Roma and my computer has decided to go on strike .... so posting off the IPad which is a bit limited as I can’t post as many pictures as I would like for the last few cooking classes.
Had a great 3 days cooking in Fontana del Papa and got some great new receipts. My favourite was the drunken cauliflower this time with white wine and pork sausage stunning ... way way better than the red wine one from Puglia which I have now called “ Pissed 😠 cauliflower “ it was way... tooooo drunk!!!!!!!
Yesterday we did our final cooking class for this our 3rd 1/4 of our cooking gap year with Andrea from “Cooking in Rome”.
Tonight sitting looking over the Pantheon from a cute little restaurant having pasta 🍝 as a farewell dinner as tomorrow we start heading home to Australia.
We have had so many wonderful experiences and as usual have meet and reconnected with so many or our Italian friends old and new.


  1. Travel safe. Can’t wait to catchup. 🍷😎😘😘

  2. I've loved following your trip. take care and look forward to catching up back in Aus.
