Tuesday 14 November 2017

Palazzo Contini

Our "town house" in Piobbico ... not to shabby!!
So it's true  ... It's who you know and not what you know.
Thanks to Doriano we have landed right into the centre of Piobbico town in this amazing 14th century palazzo.

The town house belonged to the Contini family, who settled in the Piobbico in the fourteenth century, with many other families who were forced into exile from their homelands because of fighting between rival groups.
The Contini family numbers amongst it's most well known members, the monk Antonia Contini from the Brethren of the Mount of Olives. He was born in this house in the 17th century.
He published The Life of Saint Teresa of Jesus in 1638.
The majestic door and the ornate tracery of the windows of the palazzo are made of sandstone. Inside there is a colonnaded courtyard which has crossed vaults simular to those in the Brancaleone Castle.  

I'm thinking that they were a lot shorter and had much narrower shoulders back in the 14th century!

The original 14th century stairs to our apartment, check out the vaulted ceiling this place is just so OLD.

All the brickwork so wonky and original, I was touching the walls that had been touched by a 14th century Piobbico family.

The ceiling all timber beams and terracotta

This is one of the Countess Contini, from the 1800's.
Her family still own it today

The fire place was huge, but thanks to todays modern central heating the Palazzo was nice and cosy inside, the fireplace was so great for setting a ancient mood.

Our main living was about 11m x 5m, check out the brick arch to our bedroom is was 1m thick as were the walls, this place was built to last. 

The dining table seats 16 so great for the two of us, next time maybe we need to have a dinner party and invite our Piobbico family and some locals to make this place rock.

We are centrally located so just around the corner for a coffee

 up the ally

to one of Piobbico churches

Above a great little Italian restaurant

Over a cute bridge

Past the fresh water fountain 


to Doriano's house and the old 4 wheel drive ready for us to go truffle-ing.

Bring on tomorrow

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