Wednesday 8 November 2017

Cici e Orecchette

The south does love its lentils ... as do I
So todays recipe is a scrummy Chick Pea with Orecchiette
The Italian word for them is Ceci

Soak for 4 to 5 hours
add garlic and 6 bays leaves

The Bay leaves that we are using here were more rounded and broader that mine from my tree back home. I will have to look into the varieties as these to me seamed more aromatic or is that just because I'm in Italy and everything seams more aromatic!!! 

Boil till soft 1 to 1/2 hours approx.
Todays was a simple stock ... but some we have tried are adding onion, carrots celery ect.  all to your liking.

In another pan heat oil add capsicum, cook till soft

 In another pan .... Gee thank goodness I'm not doing the washing up!! heat oil with garlic and a little chilly ( I think this dish could take a bit more chilly ) also add some stewed tomato


Add Passatta and some water to form a soup mixture

 Add in the cooked capsicum

 Then the cooked Chick Peas

Add cooked Orecchette

  Find a ancient timber farmhouse table to place the finished dish on

Open a great red and enjoy with some focaccia

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