Wednesday 22 November 2017

Eggplant and Ricotta Moulds

Sandy favourite vegetable so insert smiley face, great knife skills Sands ... or was that a mandolin over in the corner.

 My happy Sand's back in the kitchen again.

Mix ricotta, egg, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese 

Oil and breadcrumb some moulds, hmmmmm.
this is for us becoming such a shame to see that the Italian are so happy to use disposable moulds and not reusable ... anyway that for another day so don't get me started on that one just yet....


cook 180 deg 8 mins.

Now for us while a great simple starter to an Italian meal, needs a bit of texture and a bit more flavour. Yes I know this is the traditional Italian way but At The Retreat we will trick it up a bit with some cooked eggplant in the ricotta and some sort of warmed cooked tomato sauce over the top would make this a
real Wining Dish.

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