Monday 13 November 2017

Heading To Piobicco

Speed demon ... not really ... that's them overtaking me on the left on the Auto Strata ... me doing 130 km "legally" and them whipping past as if I was stoped.

 Heading north to Piobbico to go truffling. 

  Still following the Adriatic Ocean and are traveling as far as the town of Ancona on the eastern coast  before we head about 100km north west for the mountains and Piobbico.
Piobbico is about 300km north of Roma and the days are getting shorter and colder.
Top temp in Piobbico over the weekend is to be 12 deg and by Monday a cold front with snow is coming and top temps of 5 deg.
So looking forward to picking up all our winter clothes that we have left in Piobbico with Doriano.    

Several new tunnels on route today.
Cool and this one is 5km long

G 2 some days gets so confused with the Italian road system as well as us! The dotted line is where we are traveling ... but apparently there is no roads here let alone a tunnel! only roads to our top and bottom side. So the new tunnel is that new its not on the system yet.
G2 doing head spins
"preform a U turn where possible"!
"preform a U turn where possible"!

So when we come out the overside she is happy again so smile all round, Piobbico here we come.  

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