Wednesday 15 November 2017

Cheers ... Where everyone knows your name!

When family lunch is over, unlike most of the Piobbico population we aren't to big on the whole siesta thingy so we wander the streets, like losts dogs until 5pm when we make our way to one of our favourite little bars.

Well its after 5, so its a respectable time to start drinking after a boozy lunch!
Its starting to rain and the sky's are so dark it felt like midnight.
Saw this old lady walking over our bridge and just had to capture the moment.

 Love this bar, a drink is never served without a little something to go with it. The bar is also the home of Club de Brute where we were made members back in 2013.... not totally sure if that is a honour! but hey great to be recognised as .... shades of ugly!  

 It is also Doriano's local so just down the hill from his place, its almost the Italian version of the American comedy "Cheers"
Where everyone knows your name.
So many characters and so many stories and after so many drinks the Italian stories just got so much better.
Its amazing how much Italian's can speek English after a drink or two and its amazing how much Australian's understand Italian are a drink or two also!
Had a super great evening and the locals just keep coming in, Doriano was out for the count (perhaps too many Prosecco with some Aussie bloke at lunch, opp's) so we had to survive by ourselves. but in this town if you are a friend of Doriano you are a friend of theirs. Doriano is so loved in Piobbico.  

 Some thinking that they were Italian movie stars, but no, his day job is a fire man! Really! wouldn't want to ruffle that hair!!

Here is "Norm" and his mate perched at the far end of the bar giving cheek to all that enter.  

Sergio the owner knows how to keep the drinks flowing. A bar in Italy is more of a wine bar, as beer is not as popular. 

Sergio is also a Sommelier and treat each new drink to a new glass.

We were treated so well by the locals and they were all shouting drinks and wanting our story as WHY Piobbico!!!! and all I could say was well once you meet someone like Doriano and his family.
You have a Italian friend and family forever.
Gee is that the time.
Bona nottia 

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