Tuesday 14 November 2017

Truffle Festival

Our day may have been rained on yesterday but we are in the truffle area so their is always the festival, Italian's love festivals.

The smell is hmmmmm earthy but I love it

The wild mushrooms are in season also.

The town square of Acqualagno15 minutes up the road from Piobbico host todays festival ...
Look at those amazing blue sky's .... today
As today is Sunday its family day not a truffle day. 

Some local meats also on sale

So it was a quick trip out this morning to get a truffle fix before family lunch. So a pastry or two after all those slippery slopes yesterday ... I needed to regain my strength!!!!



  1. Pete you are such a trouper. You deserve a pastry to regain your strength

  2. Thanks Beth ... I thought so too!
