Thursday 5 April 2018

Last 1/4 of our Italian Cooking Trips Gap Year 2018

Morning all out in Pete's Blogland.
It's 7am Friday 6th April and we were up at 4am for our 8am 1st leg flight to Japan from Sydney.
Thought I should see that I can still work out how this blog stuff works.
Technical challenged me!!

It's the last 1/4 of our Italian Cooking Trips Gap Year ... wow can't believe we are off again and with an amazing itinerary and like always hoping for some spontaneous cooking adventures and loads fun adventures on the way.

Firstly a HUGE HUGE thankyou to my wonderful Sandy for all her hard work and endless hours researching our next 4 months cooking experience's, without her NONE of this would be even  possible.
To the LOVE of my life and the BEST traveling companion EVER
So Sands let the cooking games begin!


  1. Have an amazing time Peter and Sandy.

  2. Sorry! Just got my act together....... been traveling. Have a great time and travel safe. B

    1. You too, shame our paths can't hook up in Tokyo XX

  3. Have a fantastic trip Sandy and Peter. Looking forward to meeting up with you in Stockholm Love the Gilliard's Xx

    1. Hope the weeks fly for you and crawl for us! see you in June XX
