Sunday 24 June 2018

Amazing Gastronomic Experience! Take 2

So after yesterdays less than exciting "open sandwich" Amazing Gastronomic Experience we are now by the water front and in a cute open air restaurant, so let's see if they have some other to die for options!
Should not have complained about yesterday $'s
Today is $32.00, but it does come with a water view.
Beautiful salmon and the roe was stunning.
At $24.00 our second option tasted nice, but it still just some bland shrimps, mayo and egg on a piece of rye bread.

Nicer rye than yesterday, but again still only one small slice.
My diet is working well here as the food is so expensive for these
2 old backpackers and our travel budget is getting a real beating these 4 days.

Jackpot on flavour with a fantastic desert.
These guys have a Thai chef so the sticky rice and mango with a salty coconut milk dressing at $33.00 was amazing flavour.
But the views simply stunning, priceless!!.

2 days down in Copenhagen 2 to go than its off the Scotland.


  1. to have a bonnie weeeeeee pint or two

  2. Oh and some haggis of course but I don't think that it comes on rye!

    1. Ah Haggis ... and just over the oceans, I know that my Sand's has booked us in on a bread making course for 3 days making Nordic bread in Scotland! so I think its possible that we may be having Haggis on Rye also!!!
