Saturday 16 June 2018

The People you bump into

As we leave Stockholm heading to our first port of Tallinn in Estonia we first have to make our way through the greater Nordic archipelago of some 30,000 islands. 

 The little islands are mostly rock
It would be a rough place to live in winter will the days being the reverse to our now long days to being so short with only a couple of hours of light
Dinner on the first night at

  with Peter and Yvonne, certainly was grand with the tall windows the views amazing over the small islands!

The water of the Nordic is fairly green unlike the blue of the Meditterrian



  1. Great to meet up with close friends on our travels. Lots of laughs and drinks had by all ��

  2. Hi Yvonne and Peter hope you have an amazing trip.🛳🍾

  3. Same from me. Have a terrific trip Peter and Yvonne.
