Tuesday 19 June 2018

So after a quick lunch of

Russian Pie with a choice of meat, fish or a berry one for desert and strangely they all have the same sweetish pastry ...
well when in St Petersburg!

it's off to our afternoon palace experience, but first we need to put on booties to protect Pete's original 17th century floors and well again one size doesn't always fit all, but my shoes breath in a bit and in luck. Must be expecting a few visitors this afternoon as their are several crates of disposable shoe covers. 

Simple yet stylish

this place is huge
 and Pete loves a bit of indoor bling also
 Stunning timber inlayed floors
 ceiling that one would expect to see in some of the worlds best cathedrals.
 Bling Bling and more bling
Just stunning


  1. There’s a lot going on obviously not one to believe less is more
