Thursday 21 June 2018

Helsinki in Finland

is our next port for the day, we are picked up off the ship by Heather with no need for passport control as we are now out of Russian and back into the EU,
free to walk and wander at our heart contents.
The mouldered granite islands are back again as part of the landscape as we are now travelling east again back through the Baltic Ocean.

 Calm and quiet
 Heather is our food guide for the day and is a Tasmanian. Her parents live just around the corner from our block in Cygnet
 ... small world.

To start we have some homemade raw muslie (raw food is big in Finland and means that no food can be heated above 30 deg) so just putting it out their Sandy that I won't be turning into a raw food person for anything ... love a bit of dead meat sizzled at 300 deg on the BBQ! oh and over 30 deg for a cup of coffee ...
Raw Food Freaks!!! RFF
No really Pete, don't hold back, tell us exactly how you feel!! 

  With our first breakfast treat tasted, enjoyed and Sandy with the recipe it's off to the local coffee shop to move onto our next breakfast treat and out away from any RFF!
So a blistering hot coffee overlooking the bay with a traditional herring breakfast ... Now Heather did you not get the memo ...
NO small fish with small bones!

So more pussy cat food ... but the potato salad was nice.
We said to Heather we are not keen on fish with little bones but it just some how turned up so let's look for a cat or a seagull.

 It's a miracle, ask and you will receive ... always been my motto.



  1. So accomodating for the tourists

    1. Very helpful ... but they aren't know for their subtlety
