Tuesday 19 June 2018

Peter the Amazing

watching Australia play France thanks to our drivers love of that ball kicking game here in St Petersburg!
Must be something on in town, there are many people here with faces painted, real bogans!

so now it's on to another of Peter the Great's palaces this is his in town "green one" and today it is where they keep all his old stuff. Peter the Great was apparently not know to have a garage sale. Maybe if he did there wouldn't be so much stuff to see.
In this palace there is 2% of his collection and one would need 7 years to check it all out! well we only have 2 hours so show us some of the good stuff!

What ... more bums! did the Great Pete have a fetish or too!

Yep he was also into feet

Then there were his saucy paintings collection that to me just looked like saucy painting ... until you were told the true meaning of the paintings.

The eyes of seduction.

But look closer, the hint is in the positioning of the slippers and the putty cat as well.
Slippers together married ...
Slippers apart and with the putty cat ... sin and lust!!!

 Either a really bad artist or this woman did actually have very ugly kids!!

Some stunning picture were on loan from Venice from 1850
Opp's has someone forgot The Great Pete still has it ??

300 pictures of men's face's in one gallery, it's a wonder that Peter the Great had any heirs!

Still more bling to be seen in his town house.

Red velvet and gold always a good match.

Just stunning, my mouth was always open in amazement.

So the amazing list goes on ... a visual "overload" 2 hours down,
6 years, 364 days and 22 hour more stuff left to see!!!



  1. I must get there. Unfortunately I probably wont have eight free years.

    1. Maybe they need some one to look at the books!! could be an interesting
