Friday 29 June 2018

Tattie Scones Part 2

Our host thrilled with her new cooking skill and can't wait to cook tomorrow with Sandy's method.
Sharing the passion for food is a wonderful thing when some one wants to learn.
Now ,according to our host no Scottish breakfast would be complete without Tattie scones.

I say just give me a plate of Tattie Scones, hold the Scottish sides.
 Image result for Scottish Potato Scones pictures
Tattie being the Scottish term for potatoes and there are many Scottish recipes for Tattie Scones but this is our hosts favourite. She tells us that some argue that Tattie Scones should not include egg, but for her adding the egg helps to glue the potatoes together and makes a lighter scone. So to add one or not is your call.
They are quick and easy to make and are a useful way to use up leftover mashed potatoes.
1lb./500 g. potatoes (cooked and mashed)
1 oz./30 g. butter (melted plus extra for greasing)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 medium egg
4 oz./125 g. flour (plus a little extra for rolling out)
1 tsp. baking powder
Preheat the oven to 395 F/200 C.
Place the mashed potato in a large baking bowl and add all the other ingredients to form a sticky dough.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface to approximately 1/2-inch thickness.
Cut into saucer sized rounds then score a cross into the dough to mark 4 equal wedges.
Grease a baking sheet with butter and bake the scones for 15 minutes until golden brown and risen.
The scones can also be cooked on the stove top on a griddle or heavy-based frying pan.
Cook the scones 5 minutes on either side until golden and risen Eat while warm. 
She like hers smothered in butter and so did I.