Saturday 23 June 2018

Off to the New Markets

they go hand in hand the old and the new.
It is always so interesting and you get to see into a different food culture from a domestic everyday way of life in a supermarket. May seam like a funny place to visit when the outside world is so full of history and culture but this is the life of a foodie and her paparazzi husband checking out the local Nordic Stockmann "coles"
Today we also got to try some more salmon! and they even put it on some rye, how unique.
I did say it is coming out my ears.

Turnip and beetroot pulps ready for tonight's soups for the busy mums around Helsinki.

Some grasses to graze on!

Its all about the rye and not a white loaf in sight

This one is the real dark one with the caramelised crust ...
Yum for me real Yumo
The smell of dill wafting it is just so aromatically delightful.
The Nordic smell memory that I will be taking home with me. 

   The car park, yes may look like any typical shopping centre car park but this one is in bedrock dug under the historical old city of Helsinki.
Here with very cold winters -25 deg, you leave you car park in your apartment drive to the underground and come up into the supermarkets and shopping centres and it was only completed in 2016. You can shop in 4 city blocks through the interconnecting tunnels without having to come on into the snow. It is just so far underground, we were driven down a long cork screw entrance and the elevators transport you back to the top.


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