Saturday 23 June 2018

Breakfast Pie Carelia POD

Available soon at a Retreat near you!!
These traditional little breakfast treats (Carelia) were just that, real little breakfast treats. Sandy was excited once Heather introduced us to this as yes it is all simple food but put together into this great delicious rye crust pastry packaging. 
The rye cases are thin, tasty and traditionally the filling was of barley and root vege porridge.
Today it is with a rice porridge, but have the traditional recipe so will be doing some experimenting back at The Retreat to rediscover the traditional ways.   

The cases before the egg topping. Originally I thought is was a scramble egg until I looked closer, it is a hard boiled egg mixed with a slight bit of cream and butter to loosen.
The Nordic people put butter and cream on everything!


  1. Oooh yeah pick me, I rather like the idea of scrambled egg on top.

  2. They look amazing. Think of all the variations our could do.
