Sunday 10 June 2018

Last Italian Supper

in Italy had to be sooooo Italian and we asked Luca where is the best place to go, he recommend and booked us into a local fish restaurant that he takes his girlfriend and assured us it will be the best seafood that we will get in Italy. Italian's are always so sure that their region is the best and tonight we weren't disappointed, it was fabulous.
a welcome Prosecco ... nice.
elegant setting ... ticking some more boxes for our last supper.

Little welcome bite from the chef ... salmon wrapped in fried angle hair pasta soooo tasty and crunchy.

Tick Tick and another Tick

The menu was a crumpled up old piece of photo copied A 4 paper in a plastic sleave from the 80's
Minus Minus Minus - - - ticks!!
Hmmm why has no one else got a crumply old menu ... maybe they haven't had a English speaking person in here since the 80's so no need for a menu, actually it's a "trust the chef restaurant" and with only the freshest catch of the day.
So when we were booked in by Luca they had to dig up an old English menu. This restaurant is not for the tourist,
how lucky are we.
OK the young waiter could speak some English and with our Italian food understanding we ordered a tasting plate to start to see what the chef is doing ... modern and fabulous. The young waiter says "I esplain you" 3 cold raw fish and 7 cooked one's was the explanation.
Well, it was a bit more than just that!!
Seared tuna with strawberries under fried rocket
Salmon in olive oil with onion sprouts
a white fish (name? ) cured in lemon and beetroot sprouts
Potato and breadcrumb mouse with white prawn
Calamari salad in a ridico leaf 
Flaky pastry with a salmon mouse
Cous cous with a fish roe paste
Mozzarella with anchovies and orange
a tomato and potato stack
and my favourite ...
A stringy cheese with botargo (shaved dried fish roe) and sweet pickled onions

Followed by a seafood gnocchiette, small potato gnocchi.
Sooooo Italian tomato and seafood creamy sauce ... yumo ...

Then we had the local lobster pasta, this time unlike the lobster pasta in Sardinia I don't have to
re-mortgage the house!. Lobster at locals prices ... win win.

Right restaurant and fabulous food on our last night in Italy.
What a great way to finish our Italian cooking and food experience gap year.
See you in Sweden.