Saturday 23 June 2018

There is Hope!

Always looking for a little standout shirt and when this shirt caught my eye I was Hope! ... full. 

afterall green is my favourite colour.

But unfortunately there was ... No Hope...
I only wanted to buy the shirt ... not the shirt company!!
One should always know that if the price is not in the window I probably can't afford it anyway.



  1. Even up close I couldn't read the price on the label. Sometimes you just gotta go with it. You'll always think about that shirt now. And was that a matching frock to the right, not Sandy's colour though.

  2. Sooooo moved on and yes the matching dress is sooooo not Sandy's colour ... but for $650 it can stay there and be owned by someone without my current travel bug!!!!

  3. Arr that's the price, before I read your response I tried again to read it without success, I even used the magnifying glass app that I downloaded. I might add, the best downloadable magnifying glass that a free app can buy, even then I couldn't read it.
