Tuesday 19 June 2018


and the capital city is St Petersburg, today with a population of some 5 million registered and some 1 million unregistered people.
St Petersburg was foundered in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great.
Peter the Great, Peter the Amazing and of course
Peter the youngest!
Personal joke with "Peter the Amazing".
Now I would have to blog till I was 1000 and 2 to be able to fill you in on the history of all the so called "Great" people of Russia. So let's just cut to the chase and I will fill you in on a few highlights of our 3 days and 2 nights in St Petersburg.
 I once read a book ... well actually my first "real book" at the age of 35 on the history of the Tsar's of Russia, 1500 pages, very heavy going for one's first real book... Sandy and her dad were real impressed.
Anyway perhaps if you are interested in reading those 1500 pages I can loan you the said book!
So now to the simple revised history lesion in no particulate date order with many more pictures than my book, so here goes.
Get together with some other "Great" people, organise a black people mover, Russian driver and a cute Russian interpreter and guide and have yourselves your own private tour.
To start a modern day St Petersburg's over the new double storied 6 lanes wide each way bridge with and the new stadium that apparently a few countries are getting together at the moments for a game or two and to kick around a little round ball!!! 
What ever floats your boat I say!!

After a 45min drive out of St Petersburg we arrive to the first of several of Peter the Great's "Seasonal Palaces".
One for winter one for summer, one in town one out of town one on a hill one beside a hill one of the first day of November, one for 10th February ... OK get my drift he had loads of them one for ever day of the year!
The man must have been exhausted just counting his palaces let alone walking around them.
It's a long way from the front gate to the palace.

 1000 gardeners on staff today 
Pete liked a bit of bling outside 
  gleaming in the sun
 and with 150 water features in the back garden, he likes water also.
 cute bottom Pete, real hot!

 and a cute spot for Pete to sit on a summers afternoon away from all the gardeners.
 One hell of a grand backyard Pete.


  1. Arrr you can forget that one Pete, too much wipper snipping. lol :)

  2. Anything there that inspires you?
