Saturday 23 June 2018

Riga in Latvia

after our morning with our food guide we hit some sights of the ancient city dating back to the 12 century

today a pretty city with some lovely waterways

some modern art ... think this would look good in the bottom of the garden.

 Back through the flower market before we hit the high sea this afternoon, this area anyone can set up for the day, just rent a section of a table and sell what you have grown in your home garden or foraged from the forest.

the smell of sweet peas, in this cooler climate it is a long season.

 No trip to Riga would be complete without a photo stop in front of Stalin's birthday cake.
The name still brings a shiver to my bones.


  1. That sculpture would scare the birds, especially your beautiful parrots, And God help the rezzies next door they might just think the aliens had landed, lol.

    1. OK back to the drawing board with that option

  2. I was thinking that you would have to dig a mighty big hole for that sculpture thingy that you want in your backyard. 👍

  3. Will the sculpture fit in you bag considering the chair from Morocco is in there?
