Tuesday 19 June 2018

So today it's back to the kitchen

We were delivered by our usual Russian driver in our usual black van to todays cooking class. it's 30 mins out into the suburbs of St Petersburg to a domestic apartment block behind locked gates

 and apparently we are that private event! Just Sandy and I cool.

One can't just freely wander Russia unless you have a visa, a
pre-booked ship tour or an introduction from a local person with a start and finish time for your experience, so organised or ...  controlling! At the passport control just off the mother ship this is all very serious stuff and as I don't want to visit Siberia as part of this gap year or the next several years we are being very good and going by the Russian book.
Once out of the passport controls again into our black van that looks more like were are either actually VIP's or being under surveillance instead of just heading to a cooking class.

At last in the safety of our Russian girls home and with a very warm welcome glass of vodka now we can relax and let the real people experience start. 
Notice the 4 vodka's, the far right is the boys one and well let's just say that the Russian men are REAL men, and the Russian girls just kept filling mine up!

Girls drink, so they are still able to cook.

Boys drink to keep me quite, or has someone told them something!

Cakes to soak up some vodka as we opted out of breakfast on the ship this morning. Getting the recipe for the dateish style of ginger breadish sort of muffing delectable thing later.
YUM or was it just the vodka making me feel that life was great the world is wonderful.

More boy entertainment via Russian music TV, Russian girls don't really let the men cook so they were a bit shocked that I was so interested, well that was once I started to sober up!! 

and now Sandy's back to where she loves and with 2 great Russian ladies a great day and we learnt so many Russian cooking tricks.