Tuesday 19 June 2018

Poor Rudolf

 Before so cute
After so warm!

Perhaps an exciting new flavour for Christmas!

or a easy on the go dinner from a packet, could even go with a bit of horse!

Recipe from Google just in case Rudolf  become available in Australia, or as it says replace with beef.

Poro-leipäjuustokeitto (Finnish Reindeer and Cheese Soup) 
Reindeer meat is an important part of traditional Finnish food, somewhat as beef is in other areas of Europe. Now traditionally, there are two types of cheese used in this soup. One, “leipäjuusto”, has been baked, and has a very mild taste and with its slightly rubbery texture, it will get softer but not melt when added to this soup. This cheese is also often served as a dessert in Finland together with cloudberry jam and vanilla sauce. In the north of Finland, this dessert is sometimes called “lapsi veden vahvistus”, which translates into “strengthened after losing waters”: it was recommended to new mothers as a way to regain strength after giving birth. Traditionally in Sweden this cheese is diced and placed at the bottom of a coffee cup, and eaten once slightly melted by the hot coffee, hence its name, which means “coffee cheese”. Outside of Finland and Sweden, I’m really not sure what a good equivalent for this cheese would be.
The other cheese in this soup recipe, called “sulatejuusto”, is a sort of cream cheese with a very mild flavour. In the version presented below, Parmesan cheese has been introduced and brings a stronger flavour to this soup.

Reindeer Recipes
Poro-leipajuustokeitto – Finnish Reindeer and Cheese Soup

Poro-leipäjuustokeitto – Ingredients
  • 600 gr reindeer meat, in thin slivers
  • 2 onions, chopped thinly
  • 2 tablespoons butter or oil
  • 2 bouillon cubes
  • 20 juniper berries
  • black pepper
  • 6 large potatoes, cut into pieces
  • 500 gr soft “cream cheese”
  • 6 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated very thin
  • 300 gr “coffee cheese”, diced
  • 1 dl parsley, chopped
Poro-leipäjuustokeitto – Preparation
  • In a pot, brown meat in pan with oil or butter, remove.
  • Cook the onions until soft, then put meat back, add boiling water, bouillon cubes and cook at low temperature for 30 minutes to an hour
  • Add in the cream cheese, spices and potatoes.
  • When potatoes are tender, add coffee cheese, Parmesan cheese and parsley.


  1. Hmmmm interesting. I’ve never really considered reindeer or horse as a go meal

    1. When in Rome its pasta
      When in Finland and Sweden it Rudolf or Farlap!

  2. Alex is having a lot of deer coming down from the hills out at Daruka looking for food ,it's just so dry. The're becoming a real problem I think we need to start having Rudolf to cull them a bit. :)
