Thursday 7 June 2018

Ficattola or Piadina Fritta

 or homemade bread fried in pigs fat.


Simple flavours yet very moreish.
Many traditional Italians especially from the rural areas a very self-sufficient breed and today we learned how to make Ficattola or Piadina Fritta.
Lunch here in the country with our Prato Del Angelo family is the main meal starting with tomato pasta then followed by a huge salad of onion cured with lemon!, (it's a sweet young onion) many different vegetables gratin and BBQ meats with amazing smoky flavours seasoned with salted herbs,  slight charred over a wood fire.

Their BBQ's alone makes you just want to live in rural Italy! 


Come night time with 15 people from 4 generations around a huge table and some Aussie throw-ins the meal is more simple and light, the fried breads with tomato, cucumber, soft poached eggs and tonight was also blackberry jam.


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