Saturday 23 June 2018

And then the rain came

Germany was a wet wet wet day so what does one do on a wet cold day?
They go into the city on public transport walk the streets looking into restaurant trying to find a place where we can sit and watch the footy. Well the world cuppy stuff, not quite my scene and today was my first ever full game watch, hard to believe at 54!
We finally found an Italian restaurant in Germany that played the Australia against Denmark game. 
Never thought I would watch a footy game let alone under these multicultural scenarios.
Hey it was fun, great pizza in Germany!! and the restaurant customers new that there were 4 Aussie's in the room. Ausie Ausie Ausie... 

 It was so cold in the middle of summer that even the dummies on the streets looked cold.



  1. Ross is glued to the rugby as we speak.

    1. When I get home I may have learnt a few footy hints from Peter G
