Monday 25 June 2018

Mary's House

Couldn't come to Copenhagen and not at least walk past Mary's front door now could I.
Australian's infiltrating into a little bit of European Royalty.
Who would have thought us "convicts" making our way back over the oceans and back up the food chain yes taking over 200 years but now "Australian Royalty".
Got to love us Aussie's, we are just so adorable that doors open up everywhere.
Mary's 1/4 of the palace, Niceeeee, I'm standing in the centre of the quadrangle that makes up the royal household. This front 1/4 is Mary and Crown Prince Fred's and to the right is an identical building which is the Queen's, Mary's mother-in-law.
Behind are 2 more identical building for Mary and Fred's guests and the other for the Queen's guest, not bad guest houses. 
A bit of a water feature out the front of Mary's house to disguise the sounds of tourist that can walk right past your front door.
Mary's is at home as the flags are up.
I should have called a bit of Aussie Aussie Aussie 
But figured she would have great sound proof windows being a Tasmanian.

Some of the modern gardens out the front of Mary's house

Mary's house is to the right viewed from the river


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