Friday 29 June 2018


The flight from Copenhagen to Edinburgh is about 1 & 1/2 hours and the scenery changes from the Nordic watery little islands over the North Sea to the rolling hills with checker board green paddocks of Scotland, stunning flight.
 Leaving Copenhagen with 22 deg days into a Scottish heatwave of 31 deg. Callander is a 1 hour drive west from Edinburgh and is where we are staying for our first 3 days, it has just had its hottiest June day in 5 years and today it was the hottest place in Great Brittan. Welcome two little Aussies when all we want is a mild mid 20's so we can hit the walking track of Scotland, drink some scotch and have a cool traditional Scottish summer.
Normally June day temps are about 18 to 22 deg.
The locals are closing up shop and going to the beach.
Where as we hit the walking tracks.

Dress to impress on the walking tracks my Sand's

Tarmac all the way so accessible. 

 Mind the stinging nettles our Italians would love it here so many weeds to make Pasta and cook with!

It's nice and cool walking under the shade of the trees
and as Scotland was my thing ... I wanted to go walking so today was a good start. This morning I hit the hills before breakfast to do some more off road stuff, just loved it.


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