Saturday 23 June 2018

Off to the Old Markets

This market was built in the 1880 when it was passed by the government of the time to start to clean up the food sellers and make them comply with the new health requirements.
Sandy being photo boomed by Heather, she was an interesting food guide but in the world of Kath & Kim just that little bit different, unusual ... nice!!
The Nordic States is all about the fish and rye, it is starting to come out my ears! 
Suck it up Pete as soon you will be back to Tamworth wishing for Nordic fish treats on Rye. 

 Loving the take away, on the run snacks.
Bottom left pickled herring then across to the little fish tarts.
Well lets just say these 2 little treats didn't make it into my lunch box.

Yum ... smoked and then flash charred

Nordic sushi, onion and dill on ... you guessed it rye.

 Salmon, dill, onion, cucumber and mayo on a dark rye with a caramelised crust ... Nordic Food Heaven.