Thursday 7 June 2018

Our last breakfast in Piobbico

with some of Doriano's cherry's as the star attraction on our mediaeval breakfast table overlooking the ancient fireplace of
(sec. XIV) Palazzo Contini in the centre of Piobbico.
The bells of the several churches donging arount town echoing through the mountains in the distance. The big bongs of the deep bell strikes 9 times and the small sharper bells strikes 3 times to tells us it 9.45 am.
Just love the sounds of the bells in country Italy. 

Today 7th June we leave for Fontana Del Papa in Tolfa a 5 hour drive just 250 km slow and over the mountains leading out of Piobbico into a small rural village 1 hour north of Roma.

This afternoon will be our final cooking class and chance to cook in Italy ... well for this time at least.
 Never say Never!!!!! 


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